
Congratulations on the relocation! DIGAUTO's Shanghai headquarters has moved to a new location, embarking on a new journey!
Date:2024-05-09 14:29:11 | Page view:

Congrats on Relocation

On May 9, 2024, Shanghai DIGAUTO Automobile Technology Co., Ltd. will relocate to Anting Xi Shanghai Building.

With joy of relocation, embarking on a grand journey of the future.

We are grateful for our growth over the past seven years at the Intelligent Connected Vehicle Innovation Center. To better serve our customers in the market and embrace new developments, we believe that DIGAUTO will achieve greater success at our new location, with our business booming and our team working harmoniously together. We look forward to writing an even more magnificent chapter.


Shareholder Congratulatory Messages

We sincerely invite all our new and old customers, as well as partners, to visit and guide our new Shanghai headquarters at DIGAUTO!

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