
Renowned CAE Academician Li Jun Visited the New Headquarters of Shanghai Digauto
Date:2024-05-15 10:18:36 | Page view:

Li Jun

Li Jun, an expert in automotive engines, is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Vehicle and Mobility at Tsinghua University.

On May 14th, the new headquarters of Shanghai Digauto welcomed its first high-profile guest, Academician Li Jun.

Under the accompaniment of our CEO Li Xiaoying and Dr. Lv Jiming, Academician Li Jun visited the new headquarters of our company. During the visit, CEO Li Xiaoying provided a comprehensive introduction to the company's operational model, business development status, as well as discussed our core capabilities, technical team construction, and other aspects.

Academician Li Jun encouraged us to seize the opportunities presented by the rapid development of intelligent driving safety. While growing the enterprise through serving the industry, we should also focus on innovation, strengthen industry-university-research cooperation, and plan for the future.

Finally, Academician Li Jun inscribed the words "Thriving Growth! Innovative Development!" as a gift to our company.

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