
Win-Win Cooperation | Congratulations on the Successful Conclusion of IPG Open House China 2024!
Date:2024-05-24 15:37:20 | Page view:

The Open House China 2024 new product launch event, hosted by IPG Automotive China, was successfully held on May 22nd at the Rui Li Hotel in Shanghai. As a strategic partner of IPG, DIGAUTO was invited to participate in the exhibition, jointly witnessing this significant industry event.

At the IPG Open House China 2024 event, IPG not only unveiled the "Scenario-Based Real-Time Testing and New Feature of CarMaker/TruckMaker13", but also meticulously planned a series of exciting speeches that brought a feast of knowledge to the attendees. The multiple booths set up on-site have also become an important platform for promoting industry communication, sharing knowledge, and driving technological cooperation.

DIGAUTO expresses our heartfelt thanks for the invitation. As strategic partners with IPG in "from simulation to real vehicle bench and test track," our self-developed product VTEHIL (Vehicle Traffic Environment Hardware in the loop) serves as the driving force for IPG's CARMAKER, enabling efficient simulation to real vehicle verification. The application of this technology not only enhances the accuracy of simulations but also significantly shortens the product cycle from design to verification, providing strong support for the improvement of automotive safety performance. Our cooperation has not only advanced the technology of both parties but also had a positive impact on the development of the entire automotive industry.

Additionally, the two PGs mainly operated by our company—Wuzhen The Grand Canal ICV Safety Performance Proving Ground and Yueda Automobile Science and Technology Park - Semi-closed ICV Proving Ground—were also fully showcased and promoted during this event. The operation of these two PGs not only demonstrates DIGAUTO's professional capabilities in the field of intelligent connected vehicle testing but also provides valuable testing resources for industry partners.

DIGAUTO and IPG, as important strategic partners, will continue to deepen our cooperation, empower each other, jointly explore more innovative technologies, continuously promote industry development, and work together to achieve the goal of industry leadership. We look forward to meeting again next year!

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